BM, Vojvode Milenka 9, Beograd, telefon 011/3618-000 i 011/3618-218 email

Beč je poznat u svetu po svom jedinstvenom muzičkom nasledju i kao nijedan drugi grad ne polaže pravo na mesto rodjenja zapadne klasične muzike. Mocart, Betoven, Štraus, Šonenberg .... i lista ide dalje. Skoro da nije bilo značajnijeg kompozitora u čijoj pozadini se nije nalazio Beč. Iz ovakvog bogatog nasledja su stvoreni Vienna Acoustics zvučnici koji u sebi povezuju tehnologiju u službi muzike. Dok muzika služi kao inspiracija zvuk koji se javlja u svim Vienna Acoustic zvučnicima je rezultat strpljivog tehnološkog razvoja. Nijedna oblast za unapredjenje nije ostala neistražena, nijedno usavršavanje nije ostalo zapostavljeno. Više nego li bilo koji element u stereo sistemu ili kućnom bioskopu zvučnik je postao deo životnog stila. Svi zvučnici Vienna Acoustics su dizajnirani sa namerom da dodaju kvalitet enterijeru upotrebom najkvalitetnijih materijala i završne obrade. Svi kabineti su uradjeni do perfekcije u širokom spektru prirodnih materijala koji će se najbolje uklopiti u Vašu dnevnu sobu ili sobu za slušanje muzike. Stalni razvoj kroz unapredjenje materijala membrane, tehnika prigušenja, učvršćivanja kabineta i dizajna skretnice daje krajnji rezultat kroz najbolji mogući zvuk. Na taj način dobija se proizvod koji kada se pojavi na tržištu je u potpunosti sazreo i visoko rafiniran. Dodatno, svaki zvučnik je identičan referentnom modelu što je obezbedjeno kroz bezprimernu kontrolu od jedininice do jedinice.

Vienna is famous the world over for its unique musical heritage. No other city can lay claim to being the birthplace of western classical music. Mozart, Beethoven, Strauss, Schönberg, the list goes on. Virtually every composer of significance has been drawn to Vienna for its rich musical backdrop.
It is from this rigorous background Vienna Acoustics loudspeakers are created and manufactured with a Viennese heritage of musical excellence that blends technology to the service of music
While music serves as inspiration, the sonic result present in all Vienna Acoustics loudspeakers is the result of painstaking technical research. No area of improvement has gone unexamined, no refinements have gone unexplored
More than any other element in a stereo music or film sound system, the loudspeaker becomes a part of your lifestyle. All Vienna Acoustics speakers are purposefully designed to add to the quality of your domestic landscape by employing true furniture grade materials and assembly techniques. All cabinets are finished to perfection in a wide variety of real wood veneers, one sure to best compliment your listening or living roomOngoing research results in improved cone materials, damping techniques, cabinet bracing and crossover design that results in the finest sound possible. This ensures the products that reach the market are both fully mature and highly refined. Additionally, each speaker is individually performance matched against a reference ensuring unprecedented consistency of quality from unit to unit.

- Gustav Klimt Series -
"Die Musik"


Posveta jednom od najuzbudljivijih umetnika koji je stvarao u Beču - čovek čija su velika dostignuća u vizuelnoj umetnosti duboko inspirisana muzikom.
Homage to one of the most thrilling
artists the city of Vienna has ever unleashed – a man whose immense achievements in visual art were profoundly inspired by music.

Strast, veština, vodjstvo, inovacija, vizija, harmonija, zajednički rad : reči koje povezuju Klimta i njegovu umetnost su takodje izazov za Vienna Acoustics i njeno poslednje ostvarenje, prvi model iz Klimt Serije "Muzika".
Passion, skill, leadership, innovation, vision, harmony, teamwork: the words that evoke Klimt and his Art were also always target for Vienna Acoustics and the company’s latest achievement, the first model out of the Klimt Series, "THE MUSIC".

Revolucija. Vienna Acoustics "Muzika" prestavlja potpuno revolucionarni ravni, koncetrični 18 cm zvučnik koji je dostigao Platonski ideal za kojem su dizajneri zvučnika nastojali da se približe. Osnov za 7 oktava u jednoj fazno koherentnoj skladno povezanoj ravni. Sa zvukom koji se generiše kao "oblutak bačen u mirnu vodu" ovaj izvanredni zvučnik reprodukuje skladno prostor neznan do sada, osim tonskom snimatelju.
Vienna Acoustics´ "THE MUSIC" introduces a truly revolutionary new flat, concentric 18 cm driver that closely approximates the Platonic ideal for which speaker designers have been striving. It places 7 octaves of music in a single, phase coherent time plane. With a wave launch that mimics a "pebble dropped in a still pond", this remarkable driver reproduces spatial coherence unfamiliar to anyone, save perhaps the original recording engineer.

Gore i Ispod. Dok gornja jedinica upravlja srednjim i gornjim basom, u donjoj osnovnoj jedinici ugradjeni su u velikoj kutiji 3 odgovarajuće bas zvučne jedinice, svaka na 25 cm. ultra čvrstoj šasiji sa ojačanom NAWI membranom uokvirenom sa Spider - Paukovom mrežom - elementima(završna obrada Eaton, Germany). vodeći računa o opsegu od 18-100 Hz. 3 jedinice su u paralelnoj vezi, dok je gornji bas u sopstvenoj kutiji. Na kraju izuzetan Super Visokotonac proizveden od Japanskog High End specijaliste "Murata"omogućava produženi opseg od 20.000 Hz. sve do 100.000 Hz..
Above and Below. While the top-unit handles mid and upper bass in its own enclosure, below this primary driver we built a separate large enclosure, featuring 3 proprietary bass drivers, each with our on proprietary 25 cm ultra rigid NAWI cones die cast by Spidercone-framing (finally assembled also by Eton Germany), handling the frequencies from 18 Hz to 100 Hz. The 3 units are working in parallel, while the upper bass operates in its own chamber.Finally, a remarkable Supertweeter, manufactured by the Japanese high-end specialist Murata, tops the lower enclosure, extending response from 20.000 Hz upwards to 100.000 Hz.

Technical Data

System type : 3-way system, employing integrated subwoofers
Frequency response : 22 - 100.000 Hz
Bass drivers : 3 x 9" Vienna Acoustics Spidercones, manufactured by Eton Germany
Midrange Coax driver : 1 x 7" Vienna Acoustics Flat-Spider, 1 x 1" , handcoated vented neodym-magnet powered silk dome, manufactured by Eton Germany
Supertweeter : 0,5" Murata
Sensitivity : 91 dB
Impedance : 4 ohms
Recommended power amplifiers : from 50 to 500 watts
Weight per speaker : 180 Ibs. / 82 kg
Dimensions (WxHxD) : 10.75 x 50.98 x 24.80 inches 273 x 1295 x 630 mm


Test Image HiFi+ June 2008


Zvučnici su dostupni u završnoj obradi Sapeli - Afrički Mahagoniji (kao na slici) ili klavir crnom laku.
Speaker available in Sapeli (as pictured) and Piano Black Lacquer

– The Kiss –


Pasija, veština, inovacija i harmonija opisuju Gustava Klimta i njegova rad. Na takvim osnovama je Klimt Serija stvorena i prezentovana, kao naše zadnje izdanje koje odaje posvetu njegovom remek delu, Poljubac.

Passion, skill, innovation and harmony are all words that evoke Gustav Klimt and his art. It is with this foundation that The Klimt Series was born and presented here, our newest release paying homage to his masterpiece, Der Kuss.

Revolucija - Forma sledi Funkciju
Slede ći vodeći model iz "Klimt Serije" Muziku, prestavljamo manji ali ne i kompromisni model, Kiss - Poljubac. Kao i svoj veci brat "Kiss" je zasnovan na istom revolucionarnom i patentiranom ravnom Flat-Spider-Cone™ zvučnom sistemu. Novi dizaj je sposoban da Platonski ideal reprodukcije sedam oktava ljudskog glasa i dalje u jednom fazno koherentnom planu koji nije prisutan u većini konvencionalnih sistema.
Revolution – Form Follows Function
Following the introduction of the flagship of our The Klimt Series™, The Music, we present the smaller, yet no compromise model, The Kiss. As its larger sibling, The Kiss is based on the same revolutionary and patented Flat-Spider-Cone™ coincident driver system. This new design is able to produce the Platonic ideal of the entire critical seven octave human vocal range and beyond in a single, phase coherent time plain without any of the normal horn loading and compression present in most conventional designs. Not only does this technical innovation free the sound of virtually all mechanical interference, it also allows for great placement freedom that is normally not experienced nor expected with a reference speaker system. As with art, time and space are not frozen into a predetermined static point. Instead, “To the age its art, to art its freedom.”

Technical Data

System type : 3-way system, employing integrated subwoofers
Frequency response : 38 - 20.000 Hz
Bass drivers : 23cm Patented Vienna Acoustics Spider-Cone
Midrange Coax driver : 18cm Patented Vienna Acoustics Flat-Spider-Cone midrange with 2.5cm hand crafted neodymium center vented silk dome tweeter
Sensitivity : 89 dB
Impedance : 4 ohms
Recommended power amplifiers : from 50 to 180 watts
Weight per speaker : 50 Ibs. / 23 kg
Dimensions (WxHxD) : 273mm/10.75” x 540mm/21.3” x 540mm/21.3” each



Zvučnici su dostupni u završnoj obradi Sapeli - Afrički Mahagoniji (kao na slici) ili klavir crnom laku.
Speaker available in Sapeli (as pictured) and Piano Black Lacquer


U ovo novo doba kada je obećanje o audio reprodukciji visoke rezolucije postalo stvarnost za kućni teatar, stvoren je "Poetry" - Poezija. Nazvan po jednoj od najčuvenijih slika Gustava Klimta, Poetry postavlja nove standarde.

In this new era where the promise of truly high resolution audio playback has finally become a reality in home theater, we have created Poetry. Named for one of the most famous “movements” within Gustav Klimt´s, Beethoven Freeze, Poetry aims to set a new standard.

Spremni da budu korišćeni kao Levo - Centar - Desno konfiguracija ili kao dodatni kanali za kucni tetatar, Poetry poseduje mogucnost da reprodukuje zadati frekfentni opseg bez dinamickih ogranicenja. Samo kao centralni kanal prestavlja idealno okruzenje za vodeći model iz Klimt serije - Muzika, bez kompromisa. Stvoren na istoj patentiranoj tehnologiji "Flat-Spider-Cone™" pruža prozračnost vokala i disperziju koja ranije nije bila moguća sa visokotoncem od svile u centru.
Capable of being used in a Left – Center – Right configuration or additionally as surround channels, Poetry possesses an ability to produce the proscribed full range frequency range without dynamic limitation. As a center channel only, it was designed to offer proper matching with our flagship model from The Klimt Series, The Music, without compromise. Created around the same patented Flat-Spider-Cone™ coincident driver system that offers vocal clarity and dispersion before not possible, there is the same hand crafted silk dome tweeter at its center.

Technical Data

System type : 3-way system, employing integrated subwoofers
Frequency response : 32 - 20.000 Hz
Bass drivers : 23cm Patented Vienna Acoustics Spider-Cone
Midrange Coax driver : 18cm Patented Vienna Acoustics Flat-Spider-Cone midrange with 2.5cm hand crafted neodymium center vented silk dome tweeter
Sensitivity : 90 dB
Impedance : 8 ohms
Recommended power amplifiers : from 50 to 300 watts
Weight per speaker : 110 Ibs. / 50 kg
Dimensions (WxHxD) : 920mm/36.25” x 580mm/17.75” x 580mm/23” (including spikes)


Zvučnici su dostupni u završnoj obradi Sapeli - Afrički Mahagoniji (kao na slici) ili klavir crnom laku.
Speaker available in Sapeli (as pictured) and Piano Black Lacquer

"Reference Line"


Kao i rad kompozitora Vienna Acoustic MAHLER je ultimativni zvučnik kada je u pitanju muzička snaga i istančanost. Sa visinom od 1.5 m MAHLER je namenjen za korišćenje u referentnim muzikim sistemima u većim sobama. Napravljen samo od najboljih materijala i komponenti MAHLER je sistem bez ograničenja i istinski vrhunski zvučnik. Neopterećen ograničenjima u konstrukciji ispunjeni su svi zahtevi kao ultra širok opseg, izuzetan dinamički opseg, produžen “subwoofer” opseg u niskim tonovima, ugladjen i detaljan srednji i visoki opseg sa visokom efikasnošću.

Like the composers work, the Vienna Acoustic MAHLER represents the ultimate in terms of musical power, authority and refinement. Standing impressively at nearly five feet tall, MAHLER is best suited for use in reference music or film sound systems in larger rooms. Constructed of only the finest raw materials and component parts, MAHLER “no limits” approach has resulted in a true state-of-the-art loudspeaker system.
Unbridled by price-point constraints, the stated design goals were ultra-wide bandwidth, exceptional dynamic range, extended “subwoofer-like” bass response, smooth and detailed midrange and high frequencies and lastly very high efficiency.

Each drive unit was carefully chosen to perform a specific task. Two large air-dried paper cone, carbon fiber filled, drivers located right beneath the silk-dome tweeter are responsible for the critical midrange and mid-bass regions of the musical spectrum. One of these drivers is tasked with the frequencies from 70Hz to 4kHz, a range of over six octaves! the other, operating in tandem, also blends in at 70Hz however its upper frequency output is carefully tapered as frequency increases. This way both drivers remain ideal within their range while providing the cone area necessary for robust, unrestrained sound while maintaining delicacy and focus in the critical midrange frequency range.

In order for high frequency reproduction to match the MAHLER’S exceptional midrange, a hand-coated, silk-dome tweeter that’s decoupled from the speakers enclosure using silicone was employed. By eliminating any contact between the enclosure and the tweeter, sonically harmful resonances are thwarted allowing the tweeter to reveal the inner detail of your favorite music recordings or movie soundtracks.
Finally, to reproduce the lowest possible octaves dual 10” honeycomb woofers yielding the most rigid diaphragm and cones available today, extend the in-room response down to an authentic 22Hz!
These two drivers act essentially as subwoofers working only from 70Hz down. This design approach completely eliminates any negative interactions between the midrange drivers and the woofer’s, as frequency overlap never occurs.

The dual-board crossover network is an elegant first-order, 6dB/octave slope design that incorporates only the highest quality component parts and board layout techniques chosen through extensive listening tests. The result speaks for itself – the overall coherency and timbre accuracy of the speaker exhibits an uncanny level of musical truth and realism second to none.

The furniture-grade cabinet is an example of the most advanced wood joinery technology available. Highly specialized machinery and techniques are employed to not only produce a cabinet of exceptional structural integrity but also the gently eased corners that creates less visual mass. Using 1.6” thick front and rear baffle boards and an excessive amount of internal bracing; this speaker could well be described as “overbuilt”. For proper time-alignment, the front baffle board is slightly raked accurately creating the ideal amount of phase correction while producing a crisp and clean visual silhouette. Two hand-selected veneer finishes are available to choose from, Santos Palisander Rosewood and Flame Beech.

MAHLER represents an artful blend of form and function that confers both quality and substance.

System Type: 3-way with integrated subwoofers
Cabinet: Bass reflex
Driver Complement
Woofer: 2 x 10 in. honeycomb cone
Midrange: 2 x 7 in. ribbed, carbon fiber filled, air-dried paper cone
Tweeter: 1.2 in. silicone-layered silk dome
Crossover: 9/12dB Bessel, dual circuit board layout
Crossover Components: MKP capacitors, 0.7% tolerance air coils 2% tolerance inductance free metal film resistors
Frequency Response: 22Hz-25kHz
Impedance: 6 ohms, nominal
Sensitivity: 90dB 1W/1m
Power Handling: 30-200W, without clipping
Finish: European Beech or Santos Palisander Rosewood
Dimensions: 8-1/2 x 51-1/4 x 18-1/4 inches (WHD) / 218 x 1300 x 465 mm (WHD)
Weight: 300 lbs / pr / 136 kg / pr



Ovo je radikalna evolucija revizije klasične serije koja je bila u produkciji skoro deset godina. Nova poboljšanja bazirana su na snazi prošlog dizajna sa većim osećajem za lakoću i rezoluciju muzičkog detalja a bez gubitka bogatog dinamićkog zvuka po kojem su poznati Vienna Acoustics zvučnici.

This represents a radical evolutionary revision of the Classic series that has served avid listeners well for nearly a decade. The new features outlined below, build on the many strengths of the past designs, while collectively realizing a greater sense of ease and resolution of musical detail throughout the line of new loudspeakers without any loss of the rich, dynamic sound for which Vienna Acoustic speakers have been known.

Drive Units
All bass and midrange drivers benefit from a new inverted rubber surround design that constitutes a breakthrough in no loss damping of cone edge resonances and from a reformulation of Vienna Acoustics’ proprietary XXP cone material. New 7” “Spider”cone bass drivers (used as Ultra Low Frequency, drivers on the Beethoven Concert Grand), feature a reworked motor assembly and revised placement of the XXP ribs, providing increased output, extension and control. A brand new 5” Spider cone mid-bass/bass driver takes advantage of the revisions developed for the 7” driver. With the introduction of this unit, dramatic improvements in bass output and extension were achieved, while simultaneously improving midrange clarity and detail. The new 6” midrange driver developed with a proprietary mixture of TPX, the base thermoplastic used in all XPP cones, and two polypropylene based synthetics to achieve maximum inner damping. This new polymer, dubbed X3P allows the driver to provide an extraordinarily wide bandwidth, while possessing a level of detail and control that is truly remarkable. The new tweeter employed was developed in conjunction with Scan Speak. The result of this collaboration is a tweeter with greater resolution of the subtlest of high frequency impulses while maintaining the renowned midrange warmth and clarity of the previous Beethoven / Mozart / Maestro.
Crossover - A completely new linear crossover layout, allows for more efficient transfer of signal to the drivers. New gold-and-silver alloy terminal for lowest transfer resistance and durability and proprietary cabling, consisting of large scale, hollow core solid copper conductors used throughout.

Cabinetry - The Beethoven Concert Grand boasts massive baffles that are 1.6” thick, 30% thicker than previous models, for maximum rigidity and resonance control.

The revised grilles feature an integral V-shaped phase plug to control dispersion so that they can be left on for all but the most critical listening without a radical decrease in performance. Maple and Cherry finishes join a revised Rosewood, while continuing the state-of-the-art veneer-wrapping technology for the front and rear baffles first pioneered on the Classic series. A true Piano Black lacquer is now available, the quality of which will put most grand pianos to shame. Special decoupling and stability optimization through the use of the aluminum spike assembly and solid steel spikes on all floor-standing speakers.

Drive Units
7" Woofer: XPP Cone "Spider-Cone"
5.5" Midrange: XP3 Cone
1.1" Dome-Tweeter: Hand-Coated VA Silk Dome
Bass Loading: Bass Reflex
Crossover Function: 3-way, 6dB and 12dB Bessel
Bass Function: Impulse optimizing QB 3 (Quasi Butterworth)
Crossover Components: MKP Capacitors, 1% tolerance
Metal Film Resistors, 1% tolerance,
Inductance free Inductor coils, 0.7% tolerance
Midrange/Tweeter - Air Coils
Bass - Specially developed power core coils
Impedance: 4 Ohms
Frequency Response: 28Hz-22kHz
Sensitivity: 91dB
Recommended Power: 50-300Watts
Weight: 144 lbs. per pair / 65 Kg.
Dimension (WHD): 7.5 x 42.7 x 15.7 inches (without foot) / 190 x 1085 x 400 mm (without foot)
Optimized aluminum spike set included


Beethoven Baby Grand

Beethoven Baby Grand sjedinjuje sjaj i veličnu Bethven Concert Grand zvučnika ali u više kompaktnom i manje skupljem pakovanju. Dinamičan, otvoren i visoko muzikalan u stanju je da pruži nivo koncertne dinamike u komaktnom pakovanju. Bas refleks dizajn.

The Beethoven Baby Grand embodies the grandeur and scale of the Concert Grand, but in a more compact and less costly package. The 3-way design features a single 6” X3P mid-range driver, dual 6" Vienna-designed XPP Spider Cone bass drivers and 1” silk dome tweeter as a driver complement. Dynamic, open and highly musical, the Beethoven Baby Grand provides concert-level dynamic capabilities in a compact enclosure. Rear ported design. Maple, Piano Black or Cherry finish. Rosewood optional.

Drive Units

Tweeter: Hand-Coated 1.1" Silk Dome
Midrange: 6" X3P Cone
Woofer: 2 x 6" XPP Spider Cone
Bass System: Bass Reflex

Bass Function: Impulse Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi Butterworth)
Crossover Components: MKP Capacitors, 1% tolerance
Air Coils, 0.7% tolerance for Midrange/Tweeter
Special Powder Core for Bass Section
Metal Film Resistors, 1% tolerance, inductance free

Crossover Function: 3-way, 6dB and 12dB Bessel
Impedance: 4 Ohms

Frequency Response: 30Hz - 22kHz
Sensitivity: 91dB
Recommended Amplifier Power: 40 - 250Watts

Weight: 130 lbs. per pair
Dimension (W x H x D): 6.7 x 38.9 x 12.9 inches (without spikes)
170 x 987 x 328 mm (without spikes)
Base: Optimized aluminum spike set included


Potpuno novi podnostojeći Mozart objedinjuje u sebi napredne tehnologije koje omogučuju izuzetne performanse po dostupnoj ceni.

The all-new floor-standing Mozart incorporates unique forward-thinking technologies that provide amazing performance at an affordable price. The elegantly proportioned 2-1/2 way design incorporates dual 6” X3P mid-woofers each loaded into individually tuned chambers, one optimized for smooth midrange response the other bass extension. A 1” silk dome tweeter delivers open and extended high frequency response. Rear ported design. Maple, Piano Black or Cherry finish. Rosewood optional. Optimized aluminum spikes included.

Drive Units
Tweeter: 1.1" Silk Dome
Mid-Woofer: 2 x 6" X3P Cone
Bass System: Bass Reflex
Bass Function : Impulse Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi Butterworth)

Crossover Components: MKP Capacitors, 1% tolerance Air Coils, 0.7% tolerance Metal Film Resistors, 1% tolerance inductance free
Crossover Function: 2-1/2 way (lower driver tapers off with rising frequency) 6dB and 12dB Bessel
Impedance: 4 ohms
Frequency Response: 32Hz - 22kHz
Sensitivity: 90dB

Recommended Amplifier Power: 30 - 200 watts
Weight: 114 lbs per pair / 51.3 Kg-
Dimensions (W x H x D): 6.7 x 37 x11.6inches (without spikes) / 170 x 940 x 295mm (without spikes)
Base: Optimized aluminum spikes included


Zvuk Mozart zvučnika u po ceni efektnoj alternativi. Podnostojeći dvosistemski zvučnik sa 7” X3P srednje niskopojasnim zvučnom jedinicom i 1” visokotoncem od svile i 3 sloja neodimium magnetom sa jedinstvenom bas refleks otvorom.

The cost effective alternative, achieving the Mozart sound in a compact floor standing enclosure. This diminutive 2-way design joins a 7” X3P mid-bass driver, with a 1” triple stacked neodymium silk dome tweeter mounted in a unique bass reflex port assembly. This cast assembly incorporates a wedge-shape tweeter-mounting block that additionally serves to control the movement of air through the throat of the heavily flared port. Maple, Piano Black or Cherry finish. Rosewood optional. Threaded spikes included.

Drive Units

Tweeter: Hand-coated 1" Silk Dome
Mid-Woofer: 7" X3P Transparent Cone
Bass System: Double Bass Reflex
Bass Function: Impulse Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi Butterworth)
Crossover Components: MKP Capacitors, 1% tolerance Air Coils, 0.7% tolerance Metal Film Resistors, 1% tolerance inductance free
Crossover Function: 2-way 6dB and 12dB Bessel
Impedance: 4 ohms
Frequency Response: 35Hz - 20kHz
Sensitivity: 90dB

Recommended Amplifier Power: 30 - 200 watts
Weight: 80 lbs per pair / 36 Kg.
Dimensions (W x H x D): 7.4 x 34.6 x 9.8 inches (without spikes), 188 x 878 x 250 mm (without spikes)
Base: Threaded spikes
Optional Base: Optimized aluminum spikes

Snažan i kompaktan. Dvosistemski zvučnik sa 6 ” X3P srednje niskopojasnim zvučnom jedinicom i 1” visokotoncem od svile i 3 sloja neodimium magnetom sa jedinstvenom bas refleks otvorom.

Powerful and compact. The two-way Haydn Grand uses a 6” X3P mid-woofer and a 1” triple stacked neodymium silk dome tweeter mounted in a unique bass reflex port assembly. This cast assembly incorporates a wedge-shape tweeter-mounting block that additionally serves to control the movement of air through the throat of the heavily flared port. Maple, Piano Black or Cherry finish. Rosewood optional.

Drive Units
Tweeter: 1" Silk Dome
Bass/Midrange: 6" X3P Transparent Cone
Bass System: Bass Reflex, Front Ported
Bass Function: Impulse Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi Butterworth)

Crossover Components: MKP capacitors, 1% tolerance Air Coils 0.7% tolerance Metal Film Resistors, 1% tolerance inductance free
Crossover Function: 2-way, 6dB and 12dB Bessel
Impedance: 4 ohms
Frequency Response: 42Hz - 20kHz
Sensitivity: 89dB

Recommended Amplifier Power: 25 - 180 watts
Weight: 44 lbs per pair / 19.8 Kg.
Dimensions (W x H x D): 6.85 x 14.2 x 10.4 inches, 174 x 361 x 265 mm



Zvučnik za centralni kanal sistema za kucni bioskop.

Central chanel for home theatre system.



Waltz Grand je novi koncept zvulnika - za sve namene u punom opsegu u Hi End kućnom bioskopu. Isporučuje se sa kompletom za montažu na zid.

Waltz Grand is a new concept in speakers— a true all purpose, full-range wall mount speaker. Used as rear effects, they produce a wide panoramic effects stage to the rear half of a high-end theater. Just 3.5” thick (5” including all mounting hardware), they make an amazing amount of bass for the size of cabinet due to an innovative new circuit employed as a bass tuning element in the crossover. Perhaps less obvious, but more appealing to the lifestyle customer, they can be used to fulfill every position in a 5.1, 6.1 or 7.1 system. Turn it sideways and place it on top of a television to create a great center channel. Hang them vertically on the walls as main speakers or surrounds, place them horizontally in bookshelves-there are virtually no limits to the ways Waltz Grand can be used. Maple, Piano Black or Cherry finish. Rosewood optional. All hardware, including mounting bracket and a variety of wall anchors, gold input plugs and security lock down bolts are included.

Drive Units

Tweeter: 1" Silk Dome
Bass/Midrange: 2 x 6" X3P Transparent Cone
Bass System: Sealed Enclosure
Bass Function: Butterworth

Crossover Components: MKP Capacitors, 1% tolerance
Air Coils, 0.7% tolerance
Metal Film Resistors, 1%
inductance free
Crossover Function: 2-way, 6dB and 12dB Bessel
Impedance: 4 ohms
Frequency Response: 70Hz - 22kHz
Sensitivity: 91dB

Recommended Amplifier Power: 25 - 180 watts
Weight: 16 lbs each / 7.2 Kg.
Dimensions (W x H x D): 7.9 x 18.9 x 3.7 inches, 200 x 480 x 95 mm
Mounting: Angle-adjustable wall-mount brackets for vertical or horizontal orientation included

Standardni referentni centralni zvučnik. Pruža dinamiku, zvučnu sliku i rezoluciju koja prati Haydn Grand, Bach Grand, Mozart Grand, Beethoven Baby Grand and Beethoven Concert Grand.

The reference standard center channel speaker. The Maestro Grand handily provides dynamics, image scale, and resolution to mate with Haydn Grand, Bach Grand, Mozart Grand, Beethoven Baby Grand and Beethoven Concert Grand. The Maestro Grand uses Dual 6” XPP woofers and a triple-stack neodymium magnet 1” soft dome tweeter mounted in a iris-shaped decoupled mounting block. Front ported. Very, very powerful. Maple, Piano Black or Cherry finish. Rosewood optional.

Drive Units
Tweeter: 1" Silk Dome
Bass/Midrange: 2 x 6" XPP Spider Cone
Bass System: Bass Reflex, Dual Front Ports
Bass Function: Impulse Optimizing QB 3 (Quasi Butterworth)

Crossover Components: MKP Capacitors, 1% tolerance
Air Coils, 0.7% tolerance
Metal Film Resistors, 1% tolerance
inductance free
Crossover Function: 2-way, 6dB and 12dB Bessel
Impedance: 4 ohms
Frequency Resonse: 38Hz - 22kHz

Sensitivity: 91dB
Recommended Amplifier Power: 30 - 200 watts
Weight: 30 lbs each / 13.5 Kg.
Dimensions (W x H x D): 23.2 x 6.77 x 11.45 inches
590 x 172 x 291 mm



Pružajuči ultimativno životno zvučno iskustvo SCHÖNBERG će dovesti emocije muzike u Vađ dom. Izuzetne inovacije i pronalasci promenile su cilj razvoja zvučnika za optimalni zvuk blizu zidova u prednost : čiste Hi End performanse bez kompromisa.


Providing the ultimate true-to-life sonic experience, SCHÖNBERG will bring the emotion of music to your home. Outstanding innovations and inventions transformed the task of developing optimum sound for near-wall-applications into an advantage: pure high-end sound performance without compromise.

The opportunity of an enlarged two-chambered cabinet volume for the drivers provided by SCHÖNBERG´s height, together with the system of the prescribed transmission function filter with “outside the driver parts,” created a synergy that allowed SCHÖNBERG to evolve into a true full-range system, being able to fulfill the demands of high-end audio reproduction with ease. The lower driver´s upper frequency output is strategically tapered off as frequency increases whereas the upper mid-bass driver handles the full bass range as well as the midrange, thereby taking advantage of its close physical proximity to the unique (three-neodymium magnet construction) tweeter for improved integration between the two drivers. This complementary driver technology is perfectly supported by the stunningly shaped cabinet of SCHÖNBERG; a thoroughly thought-through masterpiece lacking parallel walls, to avoid internal standing waves, of remarkable rigidity, curved to optimize both stiffness and resonance control, so vital for natural sound. Self-evident is SCHÖNBERG´s precisely CNC machined surfaces, finished with the highest grade bead-blasting and transparent anodizing. Its adjustable three-point, spiked stand provides for perfect decoupling and stability; developed for placing the speaker close to the wall for optimum performance and convenience.

SCHÖNBERG perfectly spans the sonic requirements for high-end two-channel systems, as well as the most sophisticated home theaters, while gracefully integrating into any listening room. Each detail of musical presentation is an illustration of our commitment to audio performance bettered only by the live experience.


1 The opportunity of an enlarged cabinet volume for the drivers provided by SCHÖNBERG´s height, together with the system of the prescribed transmission function filter with “outside the driver parts,” created a synergy that allows SCHÖNBERG to produce especially deep bass response. Dual mid-bass drivers, working within a two-chambered system optimized for low bass performance, allowed SCHÖNBERG to evolve into a true full-range system, being able to fulfil the demands of high-end audio reproduction with ease. The upper mid-bass driver handles the full bass range as well as the midrange, thereby taking advantage of its close physical proximity to the unique tweeter for improved integration between the two drivers. The lower driver's upper frequency output is strategically tapered off as frequency increases. In this way, for bass reproduction, the larger surface area of the combined dri­vers allows for superior performance, while the upper frequencies gain advantage by being produced with the reduced surface area of a single driver. The resulting low fre­quency output is robust and unrestrained, yet delicacy and focus is maintained trough­out the higher frequencies.

2 To provide maximum bass capacity with absolute authority, SCHÖNBERG features two bass-reflex ports of different lengths.

3 SCHÖNBERG features an adjustable three-point stand for perfect decoupling and stability. It was developed for optimum sonic results for a distance of 0 – 40 cm (0 – 15 inches) from the wall.

4 To ensure the best possible appearance, the surface of SCHÖNBERG is treated with the highest grade of aluminium processing. After being precisely machined and CNC milled, all aluminum parts are bead blasted and transparently anodized. To maximize internal volume, we profited from the stiffness of aluminum to realize a slim walled cabinet. Furthermore, the aluminum panels are curved to optimize both stiffness and freedom from resonance, which is so crucial for natural sound. This curve means that while the average depth of the speaker is 50 mm (2 inches), it reaches a maximum point of 84 mm (3.3 inches) in the center of the arch. The extra available space in the middle of the cabinet allows for the use of physically deeper pure high-end mid-bass drivers. An additional benefit of SCHÖNBERG´s shape is the lack of parallel walls, which avoids internal standing waves from adversely affecting performance. In extensive research we found out that it is vital not to use a single enclosed form in creating the box, but to break the cabinet into two separate elements connected by MDF, with additional damping strips between the MDF and the aluminum, in order to completely eliminate deleterious cabinet resonance.

5 With our flatspeakers, mid-bass drivers and crossover are created as one unit. By using this “outside the driver” concept in creating the mid-bass transducers, the crossover follows a prescribed transmission function as it relates to the design features of the woofer, which in turn was designed with the characteristics of the crossover in place. By designing both crossover and driver in tandem, it most efficiently and effectively provides an unbelievably rich foundation of bass regardless of the size of the cabinet. The results are astonishing, with bass performance of the same quality as speakers having three times the inner volume. At the same time the maximum acoustic output could be increased by fully 50%. Apart from this special filter configuration, the crossovers feature the same outstanding development and quality components which characterize all Vienna Acoustics speakers. The result for the listener is the pure pleasure of full frequency response that posesses a complete sense of ease and effortless at any volume level.

6 The tweeter is of a completely new design. Three neodymium magnets are center drilled, guiding the internal sound waves into a damping chamber, which itself is vented again to the outside world for complete control of internal pressure. Compression effects are thereby totally avoided, and the resonance frequency is lowered as a result with benefits for optimizing the tweeter's midrange contribution. The second of the three neodymium magnets is a “countermagnet” for total magnetic shielding, caused by its reversed magnetic stray-field. This enables the speaker to be placed next to any television monitor. The handcoated silk dome ensures perfect resolution of highest frequencies, and is protected by a non-detachable hexagon metal grille. The voicing of the speaker system as whole was accomplished with this grille in place so as to allow for the highest resolution with complete protection. A one-point-decoupling and mechanical isolation mounting system for the silicone damped tweeter cabinet ensures the performance benefits of these features, allowing high frequency reproduction of astonishing clarity and precision.

7 The silver plated binding posts are placed in the 16 mm or 6 inch wide border between the two aluminum walls, allowing it to be isolated from the cabinet and invisible to the eye.


Cilj razvoja WEBERN-a je bio da sjedini tehničke prednosti i lepotu Berg-a sa što je više mogućom izlaznom snagom u većoj ali i dalje kompaktnoj veličini.

The goal in developing WEBERN was to combine the technical benefits, functionality, and beauty of BERG with the maximum output capabilities possible at WEBERN´s larger, yet compact, size. The prescribed transmission function was specially designed to support the task with its “outside the driver parts” in the form of crossover filter components, and the use of dual fully shielded midrange drivers operating in parallel to provide for a breathtaking dynamic performance to delight every listener. They are accompanied by the handcoated silk dome tweeter, found throughout the line, of a totally new three-neodymium magnet construction, center drilled and chambered, utilizing a unique one-point decoupled mounting system. The combination of all these essential elements leads to maximum output with natural ease and clarity.

WEBERN´s cabinet also combines the finest in technique with the best in function. In addition to the synergy of the aluminum panels and damping materials to control exterior resonance, the benefit of the speaker´s shape is the lack of parallel walls, which avoids internal standing waves. The surface of WEBERN is treated in the highest grade of aluminium processing: after precisely machined and CNC milled, all aluminum parts are bead blasted and transparently anodized.

To offer you the choice how to integrate WEBERN in your home, two possibilities were developed. Either use the heavy aluminium stand for shelf placement, or choose the wall-mounting device, which allows for three angled vertical positions, as well as horizontal orientation for use of WEBERN as a center speaker, particularly attractive with the latest plasma video monitors.

With our Aluminum flatspeakers, we created a new development process to realize a sonically and functionally elegant solution to integrating great sound into the home. With their breathtaking realism and lovely musicality they will amaze, no matter if chosen for a theater or stereo system.


1 During the development of the cabinet for WEBERN, extensive research into ideal conditions for near-wall speaker application led to a thorough solution that results in a number of positioning options.

One option is an ingenious aluminum wall-mounting device, unrivalled in its ability to provide the best environment for superior sound quality. Three positons are afforded by this device, enabling it to be angled toward the listening positioning for best performance. The spike which fixes the angled position presses the cabinet against a rubber decoupling device, therefore damping and silencing the interface point between wall and speaker, preventing detrimental resonance from being transferred between wall and speaker. Additionally, this wall-mounting device allows not only for vertical but for horizontal positioning as well, allowing WEBERN to be used as a center speaker with a plasma-television or projector.

No matter which positioning option is chosen, the beautifully curved cabinet will always be in smooth harmony with any wall and listening room.

2 Alternatively, for those who do not wish to mount the speaker to the wall, an ultra-rigid aluminium stand is offered, which was developed for optimum sound when place on a surface such as a bookshelf or desktop. The stand serves both tweeter left and tweeter right positions.

3 To ensure the best possible appearance, the surface of WEBERN is treated with the highest grade of aluminium processing. After being precisely machined and CNC milled, all aluminum parts are bead blasted and transparently anodized. To maximize internal volume, we profited from the stiffness of aluminum to realize a slim walled cabinet. Furthermore, the aluminum panels are curved to optimize both stiffness and freedom from resonance, which is so crucial for natural sound. This curve means that while the average depth of the speaker is 50 mm (2 inches), it reaches a maximum point of 84 mm (3.3 inches) in the center of the arch. The extra available space in the middle of the cabinet allows for the use of physically deeper pure high-end mid-bass drivers. An additional benefit of WEBERN´s shape is the lack of parallel walls, which avoids internal standing waves from adversely affecting performance. In extensive research we found out that it is vital not to use a single enclosed form in creating the box, but to break the cabinet into two separate elements connected by MDF, with additional damping strips between the MDF and the aluminum, in order to completely eliminate deleterious cabinet resonance.

4 With our flatspeakers, mid-bass drivers and crossover are created as one unit. By using this “outside the driver” concept in creating the mid-bass transducers, the crossover follows a prescribed transmission function as it relates to the design features of the woofer, which in turn was designed with the characteristics of the crossover in place. By designing both crossover and driver in tandem, an unbelievably rich foundation of bass regardless of the size of the cabinet is most efficiently and effectively achieved. The results are astonishing, with bass performance of the same quality as speakers having three times the inner volume. At the same time the maximum acoustic output could be increased by fully 50%. Apart from this special filter configuration, the crossovers feature the same outstanding development and quality components which characterize all Vienna Acoustics speakers. The result for the listener is the pure pleasure of full frequency response that posesses a complete sense of ease and effortless at any volume level.

5 The tweeter is of a completely new design. Three neodymium magnets are center drilled, guiding the internal sound waves into a damping chamber, which itself is vented again to the outside world for complete control of internal pressure. Compression effects are thereby totally avoided, and the resonance frequency is lowered as a result, with benefits for optimizing the tweeter's midrange contribution. The second of the three neodymium magnets is a “countermagnet” for complete magnetic shielding, caused by its reversed magnetic stray-field. This enables the speaker to be placed next to any television monitor. The handcoated silk dome ensures perfect resolution of highest frequencies, and is protected by a non-detachable hexagon metal grille. The voicing of the speaker system as whole was accomplished with this grille in place so as to allow for the highest resolution with complete protection. A one-point-decoupling and mechanical isolation mounting system for the silicone damped tweeter cabinet ensures the performance benefits of these features, allowing high frequency reproduction of astonishing clarity and precision.

6 The silver plated binding posts are placed in the 16 mm (6 inch) wide border between the two aluminum walls, allowing it to be isolated from the cabinet and invisible to the eye


“Forma sledi funkciju“ je filozofija koja je insprisala ovaj zvučnik Dizajniran i razvijen za upotrebu blizu ili na zidu, BERG pruža istinske Hi End performanse kroz upotrebu najnaprednijih tehnologija.

“Form follows function“ is the philosophy that inspired these thin beauties. Designed and developed to be used near or on the wall, BERG reaches true high-end performance through the use of the most innovative technology.

One example of this innovative approach is the mid-bass driver and crossover being created as one unit. By using this “outside the driver” concept in creating the mid-bass transducers, the crossover follows a prescribed transmission function as it relates to the design features of the woofer, which in turn was designed with the characteristics of the crossover in place. By designing both crossover and driver in tandem, it was possible to most efficiently and effectively ensure an unbelievably rich foundation of bass regardless of the diminutive size of the cabinet.

A completely new construction technique for the hand-coated silk dome tweeter places the tweeter outside the cabinet in a one-point decoupled assembly which enables it to “breathe,” devoid of any compression effects, therefore providing the finest resolution and integration.

The special shape of BERG perfectly supports these technical features. In extensive research we found that aluminium has ideal properties, but it is vital to avoid a closed, single piece cabinet. Rather, by breaking a single cabinet into two elements and then connecting these elements with intervening layers of damping material, detrimental resonance can be eliminated.

Two installation schemes are offered in order to provide the greatest ease in integrating BERG into your home, either the heavy aluminium stand, or the wall-mount bracket. Whichever option is chosen, the beautifully curved shape of BERG will always be in harmony with its surroundings. Do not allow yourself to be misled by the small, slim appearan-ce of BERG. Our research enables this speaker to have a huge, dynamic and richly detailed sound stage, so we invite you to lean back and make your very own personal experience.


1 During the development of the cabinet for BERG, extensive research into ideal conditions for near-wall speaker application led to a thorough solution that results in a number of positioning options. One option is an ingenious aluminum wall-mounting device, unrivalled in its ability to provide the best environment for superior sound quality. Three positions are afforded by this device, enabling it to be angled toward the listening positioning for best performance. The spike which fixes the angled position presses the cabinet against a rubber decoupling device, therefore damping and silencing the interface point between wall and speaker, preventing detrimental resonance from being transferred between wall and speaker. Additionally, this wall-mounting device allows not only for vertical but for horizontal positioning as well, allowing BERG to be used as a center speaker with a plasma-television or projector. No matter which positioning option is chosen, the beautifully curved cabinet will always be in smooth harmony with any wall and listening room.

2Alternatively, for those who do not wish to mount the speaker to the wall, an ultra-rigid aluminium stand is offered, which was developed for optimum sound when placed on a surface such as a bookshelf or desktop. The stand serves both tweeter left and tweeter right positions.

3 The highest grade of surface treatment processing is used for the aluminum cabinet. After being precisely machined and CNC milled, all aluminum cabinet components are bead blasted and transparently anodized, to ensure that the appearance of BERG is as beautiful as the technology is ingenious. The special shape of BERG perfectly supports these technical features. In extensive research we found that aluminium has ideal properties for cabinet construction in the production of an ultra-thin on-wall speaker results in a number of immediate advantages; properties that require special execution to gain the fullest advantage in providing optimum performance. It is vital to avoid a closed, single piece cabinet. Rather, by breaking a single cabinet into two elements and then connecting these elements with intervening layers of decoupling and damping material, detrimental resonance can be eliminated. Using aluminum allows for very thin cabinet wall panels, without sacrificing crucial stiffness, which means that the maximum of interior volume is achieved, while keeping to a minimum exterior dimensions. Furthermore, each aluminum panel is curved to optimize both stiffness and resonance control, as well as to provide non-parallel walls, helping to dissipate internal standing waves, so as to aid in producing natural sound. The curvature of the cabinet allows for yet an additional benefit. The depth needed to use a true high-end mid-bass driver is provided in the middle of the cabinet while limiting overall size of the cabinet to the minimum.

4 As with all of our flat-speaker designs, mid-bass drivers and crossover are designed as one unit. We invented a totally new approach of developing drivers, by prescribing an optimum (with conventional driver-technology unrealistic) transmission-function with the alternate circuit diagram of the drivers, and realizing it with “outside the driver parts” in the form of crossover filter components. The results were astonishing. We could realize bass performance of the same quality as speakers having three times the internal volume. At the same time, the maximum output for music could be increased by 50%. The result for the listener is the pleasure of wonderful and effortless sound additionally to the driver´s basic highend qualities of natural midths and tight bass. Apart from / refrained from the special filter, the crossovers feature the same outstanding development and quality components which characterize all Vienna Acoustics speakers.

5 The tweeter is of a completely new design. Three neodymium magnets are center drilled, guiding the internal sound waves into a damping chamber, which itself is vented again to the outside world for complete control of internal pressure. Compression effects are thereby totally avoided, and the resonance frequency is lowered as a result with benefits for optimizing the tweeter's midrange contribution. The second of the three neodymium magnets is a “countermagnet” for total magnetic shielding, caused by its reversed magnetic stray-field. This enables the speaker to be placed next to any television monitor. The handcoated silk dome ensures perfect resolution of highest frequencies, and is protected by a non-detachable hexagon metal grille. The voicing of the speaker system as whole was accomplished with this grille in place so as to allow for the highest resolution with complete protection. A one-point-decoupling and mechanical isolation mounting system for the silicone damped tweeter cabinet ensures the performance benefits of these features, allowing high frequency reproduction of astonishing clarity and precision.

6 The silver plated binding posts are placed in the 16 mm or .6 inch wide border between the two aluminum walls, allowing it to be isolated from the cabinet and invisible to the eye.


TRIO je zvučnik za zid ili stono postavljanje sa tri visokotonca od svile 1" i tri 6" srednje / niskotonskih zvučnika koji rade u paralelnoj vezi.

Trio is a full-range, wall or table top mounting two-way loudspeaker that employs three hand-coated 1" silk dome tweeters using vented-chambers each with three neodymium magnet assemblies and three six-inch XPP cone mid/low frequency range drivers operating in parallel. Ideal as a front L/C/R speaker system solution with plasma or projector screens. Frequency response is 70-25,000 Hz. System impedance is 4 ohms. Sensitivity is 89 dB. Recommended amplifier power output is 30-200 watts. Wall mount bracket and Tabletop stand is not included. Please refer to accessory price sheet.




Izuzetan autoritet SUBSON-a povečava svako muzičko zadovoljstvo pružajući ekstremno nizak bas, koji povećava dimenzije zvučne pozornice, pružajući veći osečaj zvuka sa mesta snimka i dajući telo svakom instrumentu.

The stunning authority of SUBSON increases every musical experience by providing extreme low bass, which in turn increases the dimensional scale of the soundstage, adding a greater sense of the recording venue, and natural body to every instrumental voice. SUBSON´s musical qualities are of first priority, and a subwoofer's ability to respond instantaneously and deftly to the smallest dynamic and pitch changes are vital to exploiting what true low bass extension can provide to enhance the total experience of reproduced music.

In order to achieve this level of musicality, it is imperative that the finest components be designed for use in SUBSON. The massive 12-inch Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) driver features an air-dried paper cone reinforced by carbon-fibres for ultimate rigidity. Together with the long-throw voice coil construction and zero-loss suspension it is able to handle with ease the lowest of frequencies at maximum output.

An amplifier of sufficient power and control is needed to take advantage of the unique features of this driver. SUBSON´s amplifier is 100% Viennese: developed, designed and manufactured in the new Vienna Acoustics amplifier department. Harmonic allocation of distortion, current source feedback for impulse speed, mechanically decoupled input stage, 220 watts, steep low-pass filter roll-off of 24 dB per octave, SMD technology, and µ-controller are only a few of the technical features that inform the design.

To maximize the inner volume of SUBSON, we profited from the stiffness of aluminum to realize a slim walled cabinet lacking in parallel walls, thereby avoiding deleterious internal standing waves. With a depth of only eight inches it is easy to understand why SUBSON is called the first "Flatwoofer," optimized for near-wall application. No matter if SUBSON is used in a stereo or home theater system, the new musical dimensions derived from the sonic abilities and sheer power of SUBSON will amaze you.


1 The development of SUBSON´s massive driver followed an unconventional path. We were able to proceed this way because of the simultaneous development of subwoofer's amplifier, which allowed for achieving perfect interaction between these two primary components. We integrated several active stages in the amplifier, enabling tuning of all important drivers parameters. So the driver's final construction is not comprised in any aspect. As the first step, each part of this new driver was chosen to maximize the performance parameters of dynamics, control and musical fidelity. The massive 12-inch Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) driver features an air-dried paper cone reinforced by carbon-fibres for ultimate rigidity. Together with the long-throw voice coil construction and zero-loss suspension it is able to handle with ease the lowest of frequencies at maximum output. However, SUBSON´s musical qualities are of first priority, and a subwoofer's ability to respond instantaneously and deftly to the smallest dynamic and pitch changes are vital to exploiting what true low bass extension can provide to enhance the total experience of reproduced music.

2 An amplifier of sufficient power and control is needed to take advantage of the unique features of this driver. SUBSON´s amplifier is 100% Viennese: developed, designed and manufactured in the new Vienna Acoustics amplifier department. There are plenty of suppliers for subwoofer amplifiers, but in our pre-testings none could satisfy us, simply because we demand of a subwoofer the same as of any speaker: to sound musical. Harmonic allocation of distortion, current source feedback for impulse speed, mechanically decoupled input stage, 220 watts, SMD technology, µ-controller are only a few of the technical features that inform the design.

Take for example the importance of harmonic allocation of distortion: You would not believe its sound impact - even less as it´s for a sub - how much the sound stage opens, how effortless midrange and treble float. We realized 0,001 % for 2nd and 3rd harmonic, and about 0,0001% for the others, although very low overall feedback is used. Current source feedback provides for impulse speed. As for the speakers, decoupling is vital: Especially the input stage of an amp is sensitive, so we put it on an extra pc-board and mounted it pick-a-back, just like the separation of stereo equipment into pre-amp and power-amp. The perfect dynamics of the amp´s speed is supported by 220 watts, receiving their current from expensive Hitachi Mosfets and a torodial transformer. A µ-controller cares for controlling, music detection, safety protection and soft-start. As mentioned above, several active stages care for perfect driver interaction and control by comparing the input signal with the cone´s response. An extra transformer is used to ensure a minimum of power consumption of less than 1 watt in Stand-by mode when no music signal is detected. As in our crossovers, the whole amp only uses components of highest grade, like resistors with less than 1% tolerance, and it is realized in SMD technology. With adjustable crossover-frequency, 0 / 180 degrees phase switch, volume control and double highlevel as well as double Cinch input, SUBSON offers all tuning tools for you.

3 To ensure perfect appearance, the surface of SUBSON is treated with the highest grade of aluminium processing: after precisely machined and CNC milled, all aluminum parts are bead blasted and transparently anodized.

4 To maximize the inner volume of SUBSON, we profited from the stiffness of aluminum to realize a slim walled cabinet lacking in parallel walls, thereby avoiding deleterious internal standing waves. With a depth of only eight inches it is easy to understand why SUBSON is called the first "Flatwoofer," optimized for near-wall application.



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